The explanation of terms are specific to this book and are not necessary in line with explanations that you have previously encountered.
Ang-el: A high-vibration entity assisting Souls in their development. In this book the term Ang-el is used to refer to the angel of Christian tradition as well as to spirit guides of non-Christian traditions
Birth: A portal to Earth experience
Brain: Center of physical body, houses the mind that mostly communicates with the physical world
Communication Center: Also known as chakra; sends and receives information continuously in non-physical world
Creator: Any entity endowed with the power to create
Darkness: One of the two major forces originating from One. Its main function is to alter stability; it is outward Yang energy. Customarily Yang is attached to the idea of Light but because Light and Darkness have strong connotations related to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ respectively, the terms are switched in this book to dismantle old thinking patterns
Daughter of God: A woman Fe-Man that has overcome separation from God
Death: A portal from Earth experience
Dimension: A parallel existence for energy beings vibrating at a frequency Fe-Man cannot readily sense. To illustrate this, look at the blades of fan when they are rotating at high speed. If the speed was higher, like in rotors of an airplane, the blades would vanish altogether from sight.
Earth: A world created for a variety of existences to experience life in a physical form; formed by Spirits
Energy: Information in the form of vibration; the building material of all that exists below One
Energy Body: A multilayered existence; connects the physical and the non-physical existences
Energy center (chakra): Communication center that sends and receives information continuously
Fe-Man: Home for physical experience of Soul
Flora: A plant life form for spirits to experience Earth
Fauna: An animal life form for spirits to experience Earth
Frequency: Vibration level that shows evolution level within a given dimension
God: An high-level entity creating worlds for experience; Creator of Earth
Group consciousness: Jointly shared storage of species-specific information observed as instincts in all species
Heart: Center of energy body; the portal to Soul consciousness and the living connection to God
Karma: Learning experiences that follow a Fe-Man until all patterns of choosing a lower alternative are replaced by new patterns of choosing higher alternatives and karmic load is released
Lesson to learn: A challenge to allow evolution through Earth experience
Life: An experience for a Spirit or a Soul linked to Earth experience that gives them a chance to evolve
Light: One of the two major forces originating from One. Its main function is to maintain stability; it is inward Yin energy. Customarily Yin is attached to the idea of Darkness but because Light and Darkness have strong connotations related to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ respectively, the terms are switched in this book to dismantle old thinking patterns
Love: An emotion that harmonizes and stabilizes forces
Mind: Information center that has its center in the brain but includes all physical body
One: Highest form of being; has created everything to experience all aspects of itself
Paradise: Inner and outer balance in Love
Physical Body: Maintains energy balance of cells to support life experience of Soul through energy body
Polarity: Earth’s magnetic force that disperses Fe-Man’s values
Sin: Separation from God
Son of God: A male Fe-Man that has overcome separation from God
Soul: A high-vibration entity evolving to become Creator or Ang-el of higher vibration level
Soul consciousness: Information center that exists in energy body
Spirit: An energy being evolving to become a Soul; can exist as basic element of earth, or flora or fauna, very rarely as Fe-Man
Yang: Force that alters stability, Darkness. Customarily Yang is regarded as Light in Eastern philosophies but because we have attached strong connotations of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to Light and Darkness, the terms are switched in this book to dismantle old thinking patterns
Yin: Force that maintains stability, Light. Customarily Yin is regarded as Darkness in Eastern philosophies but because we have attached strong connotations of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to Light and Darkness, the terms are switched in this book to dismantle old thinking patterns