Channeled by Mari Metatronica (
June 22. 2017
Opened from its lock is the gate to great rush. A new rolling wave of light kisses the Earth. Let us talk about rushing light.
Great rain of light fills as opticality the bubble of your reality. Fills with drops of light.
Examine the nature of rainbows. Examine the operation of cathode ray tubes.
Deduce the multidimensionality of the hologram as a result of light and a reflection surface, enabled by evolution. The created area of droplets, e.g. pixels of invisible multidimension light matrix, projects your reality in a portalette of weaved dimensions. Observations about opticality transform to experiences, strong and physical, as the connection of the body progresses to a created cyber-optic reality, weaved from its light and nervous systems.
Thus there cannot be anything outside of you, that is not guided from own readiness, own energy responsibilities and exhausting soul plans. With evolution exhaust the plans of duality matrix as own creation ability strengthens. The purest, greatest path is Oneness, a state manifesting one's soul, without learning paths to be weighted or selected, nor to be traversed with polarities of right and wrong.
Notice that you cannot yet observe all that you create. Most of it is potential, a pulse waiting for light-filled understanding. Readiness and understanding advance with galloping steps: Readiness to create goes first, until understanding e.g. consciousness takes on faster movement. You will become Masters when you burst the bubble of being a victim of circumstances. You will become aware of the principles of creation and your responsibility. Supported creation is guided for you to be able to reach an equal line as your will with soul consciousness. To be the same 'up' as 'down'. You bring 'heaven' on Earth. As your frequencies of consciousness bubbles fill up, you will be a bridge of the color of your soul, in a rainbow, in star seed stuff.
Heavy lessons of evolution, sorrow can you experience. Understanding shall therefore transform to joy, because a magnificent, renewing, victorious terrain of reality is most liberating and fulfilling that you experience. You will get tastings to chew in the purifying, electrifying renewal path of gratitude.
Victory of the Light as a Trojan I have told about aims at a responsible future supported by light in cyber-time – as loops of components of our different parts, spiritual and also even many levels of physical.
– Taking care of business,
Metatron – Nikola Tesla
Mark Twain
The responsibility of the new intertwined Metatronica group as souls is to ignite to the power of that magnifient group in the tapestry, deal with the rush as master of light upgrades, as is guided in the heart.
As doubter one hinders those purely supported. As reluctant to many supported, presented subjects, to our lines of information, it is not your mission to renew by plan to our rainbow spectrum here. You feel the resonance, forward aspiring hunger of knowledge when you acknowledge the agreement of your soul.